Dab Rigs

Dab rigs are a popular choice for many cannabis enthusiasts, but can be difficult to choose from. Luckily, there are several different types of dab rigs available on the market today.

  • Glass Dab Rigs: Glass is one of the most common materials used in creating these pieces because of its durability and ease of cleaning. Glass also allows you to see your concentrate through its clear surface and determine how much residue remains in your product before it’s been used up completely. Glass dab rigs tend to come in different colors as well as shapes; however, they’re typically more expensive than ceramic or electric versions due to their increased functionality (for example: being able to see how much oil is left).
  • Ceramic Dab Rigs: Ceramic pipes offer an excellent alternative if you want something less bulky than glass while still retaining some level of transparency so that viewing your concentrates becomes easier without having them obscured by smoke clouds! However there are some downsides such as breaking easily if dropped; therefore we recommend keeping these close at hand rather than out on display where accidents might happen more often than expected!

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